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An inevitable market opportunity

The music streaming subscription services market has matured, and revenue growth is steadily declining. The music industry is highly focused on new ways to engage and monetize fans. 

The gamification of music has arrived

FanLabel revolutionizes music engagement, empowering fans to shape the industry like industry insiders. It champions music’s universal connective power, prioritizing active involvement that transforms the music experience into an interactive, influential journey.

our value

The ultimate
gamified platform

Just as DraftKings or FanDuel gamify sports, FanLabel offers a unique blend of fantasy gaming with music.

Discover, engage,
and shape

Dive into a vast catalog of songs. Pick, promote, and elevate tracks. Your choices have stakes, consequences, and rewards.

Exclusive, rewarding relationships

Partnered with UMG, WMG, Sony, and over 100 independent label, we offer access to hit songs, exclusive events, and unique merchandise.


Engage in a thrilling journey, accumulating points, bragging rights, and tangible rewards. Not just listening, but experiencing music.

Music discovery reimagined

Play by genres, “sing” songs, joing leagues, and harness the power of Spotify integration. Always be on the forefront of what’s trending.

Your profile,
your stage

Personalize, flaunt your achievements, and grow your influence. Be the “superfan” that artist crave.

your favorite artists.
your fantasy record label.

vibe with us

Our 300,000+ users are getting vocal. Check out our playlist of feedback and reviews

Music-based gaming with real-world prizes